Love, Joy, Peace...
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Tell us about your Baptism experience
What are 3-5 points you would share about your faith journey?
We may alter our testimony based on our context and audience but what parts of your story do you always share?
How are you connected with the Family of God here at Englewood Pres? (Required)
Small Group Leader/Participant
Regular attender on Sunday
Prayer team
What responsibilities do you currently have at Englewood Pres? (Required)
Backpack Program
Blood Drive Lead/Helper
Building & Grounds Team
Children's Ministry
EES Tutoring
Elder, Active
Elder, Inactive
Fellowship Team
Finance Team/Counter
Hope/Hope U
Sound Booth Support
Stitches of Love
Women's Ministry
Worship/Praise Team
I do not have a listed responsibility
Have you taken a Spiritual Gifts Inventory? If so, share your top three gifts.
How are you currently using your gifts?
Do you have a specific skill that could be used for ministry?
Such as knowing how to crochet or know how to form metal in a forge...
What are you working on this year to draw closer to God? What is your plan of action? (Required)
For example: I want to read through the whole Bible. I will find an buddy to help keep me accountable in my goal.
Is there a specific support you need to be fully engaged when we gather? (Required)
Hearing support - always use a microphone please
Sight support - Large Print materials
Mobility support - It is hard for me to get around. Please bring me the communion elements during our Lord Supper
Mobility support - I am not able to leave my home. Please contact me to talk about how I can still participate in Worship.
Cognitive support - Fidgets for the sanctuary are so helpful.
I have a specific need not listed. Please contact me.
I know someone with a specific need we do not currently support so I can't invite them. Please contact me about this need.
I do not have any of these concerns yet.